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Overwhelming amount of legislations, standards and Best practices place extra burden by demanding corporations to implement security controls. A common challenge is the ability to understand the ever changing complexity of regulatory and governance requirements and their impact on corporate business model and environment. Corporations recognize that Information Security Management is an important component of successful corporate governance.

Through the process of due diligence and due care, many organizations find themselves not having the internal resources needed to accomplish tasks. Far too often, we see companies bounce security back into the laps of the IT department. The harsh reality is that busy IT department focuses time, energy and resources on IT support related tasks and often is faced with the looming challenge when it comes to security tasks – they are not prepared or educated to handle this function.

Organizations must be vigilant about information security in order to manage security risks.

Some of the most common questions are:

 What should we do?
 Are we compliant and if not, how to become?
 How can we improve our security?
 How much is enough?
 Who should we trust to help us do it?

RSS Inc. orange man services will provide assurance for Your Company compliance.
They guarantee “Securing Your Company for Business”.


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